Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Do you know where your bees are?

We recently went to Canada and thru North Dakota, South Dakota and Nebraska we saw several fields of Canola and Yellow Clover. It made me want to turn around, go home, load up my bees and take them NORTH! Here in Oklahoma we have had a couple of droughts, one early in the year and one now in the middle.

We robbed honey from the played out Canola around the first week of July and knew we had to return to move those hives to another crop. We returned 2 weeks later only to find 2 supers of honey on each hive. We drove 3 miles all the way around the hives and saw nothing but DIRT! We are curious to know what dirt honey tastes like!

While in Canada we also caught some awesome fish! I caught this one but couldn't hold it up so my husband is holding it for me, no really, that's what happened!!


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